Today we present another line of limited edition by Boca do Lobo – Diamond Sideboard Limited Edition Sideboards. Each one is more mesmerizing than the other and they will be perfect for any interior design project as they are very versatile. Stay tuned to know more and for amazing pictures.
See also: How Limited Edition Furniture Can Transform A Modern Dining Room

This project conveys our mission to interpret in an exquisite way the modern consumer’s desire for exclusive décor products.

This Diamond Sideboard is inspired by the gothic furniture of the romantic period, with its capacity to take advantage of the power of imagination, precision, and escape, without forgetting its unique character.

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Instead of the whimsical lion’s head feet, the new Diamond Sideboard presents a base made from mahogany lined with bronze mirror.


With the style of a precious jewel, the new Diamond Sideboard, colored in chocolate brown, will make a splash in interior design.

The high varnish gloss is fundamental for this delicious final touch.

The combination of brown chocolate and gold is absolutely perfect.
See also: Monochrome Sideboard: A Demonstration of Imagination And Strong Design


The Diamond Sideboard is made from wood finished with a luxurious shade of translucent green emerald with high gloss varnish.

With the style of a precious jewel, the new Diamond sideboard, colored in green emerald, will make a splash in interior design.

Like the amethyst Diamond, the new Diamond Sideboard also features three highly sculptured doors leading to a gold leaf interior with shelving and two drawers. The exterior of this fanciful piece is now presented in silver leaf finished with a luxurious shade with high gloss varnish.


Metamorphosis, the alteration in physical build commonly associated with insects, meets a Boca do Lobo classic. The vast collection which is characterized by the Bugs features this amazing piece.

A new take on one of Boca do Lobo’s most iconic pieces, the Diamond Sideboard undergoes a process of Metamorphosis and enters a new aesthetic realm.

The merging of Metamorphosis as an evolutionary process, commonly associated with insects, with the philosophical connotation of the word that originates from Kafka’s prime work, the Diamond Metamorphosis Sideboard questions the meaning of beauty and seeks to provoke a reaction.